Game-changing commercial strategies for community sport

Club Champions is the business club for community sport

We support, encourage and share knowledge on creating sustainable commercial income

Our purpose is to provide mentoring, guidance, and practical support to community sport organisations to help them become financially sustainable through increasing commercial revenue.

We embrace the transformative power of community sport and we know how essential it is in creating meaningful connections. We also know that community sport is severely underfunded and without change many clubs could face closure. Through our 6-part training programme we are helping community sports clubs to become more sustainable through creating a focused commercial strategy and by building an effective brand they can monetise. If we can help all sports clubs and NGBs increase their revenues by an average of 20% then we will have achieved our goal.

UPDATE: Partnership for Kent Rugby with unique law firm Leverets

Club Champions have brokered a deal for the Sevenoaks based law firm to support the Community Partners initiative within the county at a crucial time for clubs across the region.

Leverets offers its clients the distinctive combination of a barrister-and-solicitor team which delivers a uniquely streamlined and cost-effective service.

club champions commercial partnerships

join club champions today!

Squad Membership is FREE

Whilst there is a lot of untapped money available in corporate budgets accessing it is not simple. You need to be professional in how you approach them.

As a Squad Member, in the first year you will receive:

  • Access to our pre-recorded webinar series

  • Quarterly newsletter with valuable insights and ideas

  • Four E-shots focussing on elements of The Game Plan

The Game Plan is just £100

Our 6-module workbook which gives you a valuable framework for building and implementing an effective commercial strategy for community sports clubs.

At every stage we give you a series of questions with tips to work through, an insight piece that demonstrates an idea, and a number of additional considerations to plan successfully.

The Game Plan is packed with actions for increasing your club revenue!

You don’t know how brilliant you are!

Elite Squad Membership

In addition to the Squad Membership content you will also receive a number of specific benefits :

  • FREE copy of The Game Plan

  • Invitations to participate in quarterly LIVE webinars

  • Opportunities to attend peer-to-peer learning sessions

  • Four expanded Game Plan strategy articles

  • Direct access for developing and implementing your strategy

Don’t just take our word for it!

"From last nights webinar, it is obvious that Club Champions is going to be a fantastic resource for me and my colleagues to refer to when planning how we overcome the current challenges and then grow the club from there, which I am now very confident we will do."
Andy Bull, Thanet Wanderers RUFC

“As a non-marketeer, I found the session extremely useful... It will be a tough year for clubs to attract sponsors for obvious reasons, but the webinar has given me fresh confidence that we will do OK.”
Mark Elliott, Welwyn RFC

“I understand Roger is going to be sharing his knowledge and expertise on community sport to a wider number of clubs which I think will enhance those clubs no end. If you haven’t already joined up to his group I suggest you do so pronto!”
David Johnston: Head of Department, Residential, Savills - Sevenoaks RFC sponsor


From beginner to expert…

Learn how to create and implement a commercial revenue strategy for your club


Champion your club in your local community

Join a group of people who love their sport and want to do the very best for their club

Purpose: We aim to demonstrate the massive contribution community sports clubs make to creating healthy communities and a vibrant economy.

We will inspire ambitious community sports clubs to believe that they can be financially independent and commercially successful enough to control and invest in their own futures.